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Fiorisci la tua mente con Microdosing

Cos'è Microdosing?

Microdosing si riferisce alla pratica di ingerire piccole quantità di droghe psichedeliche per migliorare l'umore, la creatività e il benessere. Questo comporta l'uso regolare di LSD o psilocibina, che si trova nei funghi magici o nei tartufi. Mentre gli allucinogeni spesso evocano immagini di viaggi selvaggi ed esperienze intense, l'assunzione di quantità sub-percettive offre potenziali benefici senza quello sballo totale.

Origini di Microdosing

Utilizzati in varie forme nel corso della storia, gli psichedelici sono diventati particolarmente importanti negli anni '50 e '60, come trattamento per i disturbi dell'umore. Microdosing allucinogeni hanno guadagnato fama negli anni 2010, grazie in parte alla ricerca condotta dallo psicologo americano, il dottor James Fadiman.

The researcher showcased reports of positive effects across the board and combined his findings with advice on appropriate dosage and use. According to Fadiman’s strategy, the best results are achieved with 10 to 20 micrograms taken every three days, for an initial period of around a month. Fadiman’s research led to a surge in popularity in Silicon Valley, where tech workers lauded the drugs’ effects on output, focus and creativity.

Benefits of Microdosing
Aside from the increased productivity experienced by those in the tech industry, microdosing is thought to aid people from all walks of life. From homemakers to CEOs, advocates have reported the following benefits:

👉 Improved mood : Enhanced feelings of serenity and positivity, and diminished mood swings and irritability

👉 Better eating habits : Many users point to a specific decrease in coffee consumption

👉  Energy boost : More energetic, awake and prepared to take on the world

👉 Enhanced focus : Increased ability to concentrate on tasks for extended periods

👉  Greater self-esteem : Plus more ambition, motivation, openness and empathy

👉  Combating mental health issues:  Reducing stress and alleviating symptoms of depression and anxiety

👉 Side-effects : In general, no negative side-effects are experienced

Microdosing Protocolli
A protocol refers to a particular schedule of microdosing, i.e., when to take the hallucinogen and how often. The most known protocol is, of course, the three-day-cycle developed by Dr. James Fadiman. However, other approaches are worth mentioning too, including ‘two fixed days a week’ and the ‘every other day’ protocol.

World renowned mycologist Paul Stamets created his own microdosing formula, known as the ‘stacking protocol’. This involves combining three substances: psilocybin, niacin (B3 vitamin), and the Lion’s mane mushroom, to achieve a positive and lasting effect.

Our Microdosing stack includes both magic truffles (psilocybin) and Lion' mane.

It's now hight time to uplift your daily mood, sharpen your focus and boost your willingness!"

Let's get started !

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Microdosing comporta il consumo di piccolissime quantità di sostanze psichedeliche a beneficio della mente, del corpo e dell'anima. Diventando sempre più popolare in tutte le fazioni della società, questa pratica innesca i recettori del cervello senza istigare uno sballo allucinogeno. Microdosing funziona seguendo un protocollo specifico, di cui si possono trovare esempi qui.

Mentre i neuroscienziati stanno attualmente approfondendo il potenziale degli psichedelici per trattare condizioni di salute mentale, i sostenitori di microdosing stanno nel frattempo godendo di una moltitudine di benefici come il miglioramento dell'umore, migliori abitudini alimentari, spinta energetica, maggiore concentrazione, maggiore autostima. Vedi sotto i benefici per maggiori dettagli. 

Contenuto: Scatola di 40 capsule vegane. Ogni capsula contiene 300 mg di tartufi secchi mexicana (equivalente a un decimo di una dose ricreativa) e 50 mg di criniera di leone essiccata.

Conservazione Conservare in un luogo asciutto, evitando la luce diretta del sole, preferibilmente in un contenitore ermetico. Le capsule possono essere conservate fino a due anni. Si consiglia di non conservare le capsule nel congelatore.


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Recensioni dei clienti

Based on 91 reviews
Matias d.B. (Land Berlin, Germany)

Microdosing tappi

Alessandra K.
Mood improves after second dose

It's the second time I buy this brand, and after trying microdosing with other brands aI can say this is the most effective one. I feel calmer and happier after only one week of taking the pills

Antonia Z. (Saxony, Germany)
Perfect experience

It was a nice experience. I was the whole time super happy without having a “come down” afterwards. It was the whole time easy to handle and never overwhelming. You can not compare it to a full Dosis of mushroom of course but that’s what made it a perfect experience for me

Matteo R. (Lombardy, Italy)

Mai più senza.

Etienne S. (Bern, Switzerland)
Micro & Bali's calling

The two products help me to move away from stress and into the subconscious. I never thought that such a small dosage would have such a clear effect. I recommend the products to anyone who works with personal development and can no longer find answers to what still needs to be healed/transformed.


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